Sunday 23 December 2012

First Follower Award - Awarded to Abbie of Abigail's Treasures

Hello All!

Announcing: The First Follower Award!

So, I came up with this idea after I recieved my first Google Friend Connect follower over the weekend. Feel free to use this button to congratulate your first follower, but please link it back to my blog! ☺

So, the winner of the 'First Follower' Award is....

Abbie of Abigail's Treasures and Lilac Daisies!

Check out her Blogs; the first is her personal blog, and the second is a blog shared by 5 other selected bloggers.

So, Abbie, here it is!

Awarded to Abbie, with best wishes for a Happy Blogging Future!

Happy Christmas to you all, and congratulations to Abbie, and anyone else who recieves this award in the future!


Dayzee xx


  1. Thank you so much Dayzee!!!
    I am so honored to be awarded as your first follower.
    I won't be posting till New Year but in my next post at New Year I will mention your you and your blog to get you more followers.
    Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks Abbie!

      I'm glad you like it! Do you have a blog button you'd like me to put on my blog? I'd like to, if you do!

      I'll be reading your posts in the New Year, have a great week (or so ☺) until then.


      Dayzee xx


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